Rosy Marcelino-Macias


I served on active duty from 1995-99 and in the reserves from 2000-02. I went in just as the Gulf War was ending and I got out as the War on Terrorism was starting. I joined because I believed it would afford me an opportunity to one day make a difference in someone else’s life while improving my own.

I knew I wanted to be a Marine since my junior year in high school after a friend invited me to attend a gathering that the recruiters had for all those in their Delayed Entry Program. We started with a three-mile run and then did a small obstacle course, rolled around in the mud, even got to do the indoor rifle range; it was then that I knew that I wanted to be a Marine.

My family had a hard time understanding why I wanted to do something that in their eyes was meant for men to do, but once they came to see me graduate from boot camp and learned more about what being a Marine means, they couldn’t stop bragging about me to their friends and the rest of the family.

My experience in the Marines is a time in my life that I will never forget. I had some amazing leaders and met some awesome people that I am lucky to still have in my life. While stationed in Japan in 1997, I met my wonderful husband Jose and have 3 beautiful girls.

Download a print-quality image (24 x 36) of this veteran’s portrait here.